Property Services

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.


Property Centric Guidance (alt:  “Asset Strategies”)

Be it a single building or a portfolio, your real estate is worth hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Your lawyer, CPA and financial planner are the best in the industry. You also need an equally experienced real estate specialist on your team providing you with what I call “Property Centric Guidance”. 

Whether you are considering a new investment or reviewing your existing assets, have you identified all the SWOTs?  – its Strengths and Weaknesses, what Opportunities can be created and where Threats lie in wait.  Among the myriad questions you should be thinking about regularly include:

  ✓  Are my properties competitively rented – what are the implications of the rent is too low or too high? (yes, that is a thing!)

 ✓  Are my buildings optimized and always ready to be refinanced or sold?

 ✓  Does my property/properties match my current risk profile; is it time for realignment?

 ✓  I am in the market for more properties; how can I be sure what the right price is?

 ✓  Am I prepared to refinance when my balloon payment hits?

…and the list goes on.  Each of your existing assets is unique and the one you’re looking at has both opportunity and threats, some obvious and some not-so-obvious.  You should be getting Property Centric Guidance for each, and receiving the same level of experience and attention that you demand from all your advisors.  For more than 35 years, I have been active in commercial real estate, including brokeragedevelopment, analysis, management, financing, and more.  Let my experience help support you with your property decisions.

“Property Centric” Guidance


Best-in-Class exclusive representation; delivering uncommon insight, advice and client service. How do you buy low and sell high when the person on the other side of the transaction has the opposite goal? It starts with aligning with an advisor who has a deep understanding of commercial real estate, with vision and a history of creating win- win scenarios.

Disposition: To achieve the highest possible price, your property needs a business plan. It should street-ready, generating the highest possible income with the lowest operating costs. The key is knowing what the market will support, determining which capital expenditures, lease restructurings, added revenue sources, and other measures will result in the best cost/benefit outcomes

Acquisition: There is a real estate axiom which says that “you make money the moment you buy.” Obsessing over the “best cap rate” might be the surest way to win the battle and lose the war. Shrewd property investors seek hidden value; uncovering opportunity while avoiding landmines is how I help my clients secure assets that meet their short- and long-term investment goals.

Understand the need, identify the opportunity, develop the solution: It might sound obvious; however, achieving it as a different story. It requires years of experience to accomplish. Vision and foresight are essential. A high-caliber network to deliver the goods. Whether it is educating a first-time buyer on simple rent-vs-own opportunity or explaining a complex PPP strategy to a municipality; finding an asset with hidden value for investors or creating the value hidden in their assets; modelling a new development or re-imagining an existing one; my clients gain from my situationally adaptive guidance and acuity


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Complex Deal Structuring

Understand the need, identify the opportunity, develop the solution: It might sound obvious; however, achieving it as a different story. It requires years of experience to accomplish. Vision and foresight are essential. A high-caliber network to deliver the goods. Whether it is educating a first-time buyer on simple rent-vs-own opportunity or explaining a complex PPP strategy to a municipality; finding an asset with hidden value for investors or creating the value hidden in their assets; modelling a new development or re-imagining an existing one; my clients gain from my situationally adaptive guidance and acuity

Investment Analysis

Success is achieved by maximizing returns while keeping equal focus on avoiding loss. Governed by what I call an Opportunistic Defense I employ data-driven discrete fluid forecasting models, utilizing proprietary algorithms to analyze capital movement and multiple rolling return metrics, calculated with a high degree of precision to provide you with a dynamic and comprehensive panorama of a prospective investment. Partnered with common sense insights and shoe-leather observations, my financial models expose threats and identify opportunities, which are used to build move-forward strategies. All reported to you in simple, clear and concise narrative and clear formatting

Concept-to-CO Development Consulting

Be it a new development or repositioning an existing asset, you want a cohesive overview of your project.  Your planning and legal have a perspective formed from their seat at the table, understandably so.  I help ensure that your project is what I call “Investment Forward”; that it is functionally and financially durable, contemplating real-world conditions and not just be low cost, visually pleasing and permit-easy.  From concept to closing, I help you form a grand vision for your investment by coordinating and reviewing as needed:

  • Market & feasibility studies
  • Cost & return projections
  • Planning 
  • Entitlement, legal
  • Project management
  • Marketing & leasing
  • Property management

With more than 35 years of experience acquired both domestically and abroad, my clients benefits from my unique insights cultivated from experience realized under extraordinary circumstances.  Whatever your circumstances, I have been there and am here to help you maximize your goals.

Put my understanding of the interrelationship between the myriad and diverse components of commercial a real estate transaction at your disposal, including  

  • acquisition to divestment; 
  • investment analysis, 
  • entitlement, planning, 
  • construction and development
  • leasing, 
  • marketing
  • Property & asst management.


Every asset is unique and has its own set of threats and opportunities.

I’m ready to meet you in your office or mine – or virtually – to discuss your property and your needs!